Advice for Scholars
The following message contains advice from Lelung Rinpoche for students and scholars of Tibetan Buddhism who are writing about the Lelung lineage
Dear friends, Below are some of the different possible spellings of masters' names in the Lelung lineage. This may help those doing research on Lelung, his lineage, or Tibetan Buddhism in general. Although there are many ways of spelling the Great Fifth Lelung Rinpoche's name, I personally request that if you are writing about him or quoting from his works, that you use one of the two preferred spellings:
Lelung Shepai Dorje
Lelung Zhepai Dorje
These are the most common ways of spelling his name and consisten use of these spellings will help people who are searching for it.
Many thanks,
Lelung Rinpoche
Alternative spellings of names of the Lelung Rinpoches
- Lelung Shepai Dorje (preferred spelling)
- Lelung Zhepai Dorje (preferred spelling)
- Lelung Chebai Dorje
- Lelung Jedrung Zhepai Dorje
- Lelung Shaypai Dorje
- Lelung Zhepae Dorje
- Lelung Shepay Dorje
- Lelung Chbaï Dorje
- Lelung Pema Zhepai Dorje
- Jedrung Rinpoche
- Lelung Jedrung Rinpoche
- Lelung Zhepa Dorje
- Lelung Shepe Dorje
- Lelung Gyépa'i Dorjé
- Sle-lung Bzhad Rdorje
- Lelung Lozang Trinlei
- Jedrung Lobsang Trinle
- Olkha Jedrung Rinpoche
An heroic figure in the history of the Lelung lineage, the Fifth Lelung Rinpoche, Pema Zhepai Dorje, revealed many sacred teachings, wrote numerous manuscripts and built a new monastery in Lelung Valley